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Market Commentary
The Day the Crude Futures Market Broke
On April 20, the energy market did something we’ve never seen before. Futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange for May contracts of West Texas intermediate crude oil, or WTI, traded to a low of -$40.32 per barrel and settled at -$37.63 per barrel on the same day they were […]
Why WTI Oil Prices Crashed
The U.S. crude oil market ventured into unprecedented territory on Monday, April 20, when prices turned negative. Futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange for soon-to-expire May contracts of West Texas intermediate crude oil, or WTI, fell to -$37.63 a barrel by the time the market closed. WTI serves as […]
What You Need to Know to Save on Fuel Contracting
If you look back at the seasonal cycle of ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) futures on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) over the last 10 years, you can see trends that have historically led to great buying opportunities. Now, keep in mind that each year’s performance will always be unique […]
What You Need to Know to Save on Fuel Contracting
The leaves are changing colors, temperatures are dropping, and harvest has begun. Autumn has arrived and so too has the time of year when it pays to be thinking of your fuel needs. If you look back at the seasonal cycle of ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) futures on the New […]
Planning for Upcoming Energy Needs
As summer begins to wind down, there are a number of things I am closely watching that could sway the direction of the fuel and propane market. I would advise you to consider these factors in preparation for your energy needs for the fall and winter. Deal or No Deal? […]
IMO 2020 Could Disrupt Distillate Markets
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), which regulates global shipping, is set to roll out new regulations at the start of next year to reduce sulfur content in fuels used by shipping vessels. You may be wondering what bearing oceanic cargo ships have on a farm cooperative here in the Midwest […]
Fuel Contracting Enhancements Now Available
Enhancements are coming to MFA Oil’s fuel contracting program. Contracting is a valuable tool you can use to lock in fixed or maximum pricing on a set number of gallons. This provides clarity for budgeting your fuel expenses. These benefits are hallmarks of our contracting program, and they will remain […]
Taking a Wider View
The energy market is full of questions these days. What is the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) up to and has the cartel reestablished its relevance? How much of a factor is Russia playing? Where does the United States stand with its abundant shale oil production and new […]
Propane: Get It While It’s Hot
Summer is here, and it is officially barbecue season. Propane fuels grills across the country, but the pursuit of a perfectly grilled pork chop isn’t the only reason to purchase propane this summer. It is never too early to start getting ready for winter. As we came out of last […]
Looking Back to Plan Ahead
Spring is a good time to look forward to your fuel needs for the fall harvest. So far this year, there’s been plenty of news about the energy industry, but overall, the market’s reaction to said news has been uneventful. Almost two years ago, Tom Kloza, global head of energy […]
Fuel Contracting Season is Here
Diesel prices have gone up roughly 55 cents per gallon from the mid-year low, and this is the kind of price rally that we are all trying to protect against by contracting our fuel. This is why putting in a little effort now to determine your fuel budget and target […]
Are You Prepared for Winter?
A hint of a chill has returned to remind us fall has arrived and will soon be followed by winter. What does Mother Nature have in store for us this year? It is hard to predict the weather, but that doesn’t stop people from making predictions. Meteorologists have already begun […]