MFA Oil Partners with MFA Inc. on Northwest Missouri Shuttle-Loader Facility
July 21, 2016
Written By Adam Buckallew

On May 2, 2016, MFA Oil Company and MFA Incorporated announced a joint venture to build a shuttle-loader facility on the Union Pacific Railroad approximately five miles east of Hamilton, Mo. The grain-handling facility will consist of 2 million bushels of permanent storage and 1.5 million bushels of temporary storage along with a loop rail siding to accommodate a 110-railroad-car “shuttle” unit. Once completed, the structure will allow farmers in north central Missouri and southern Iowa to deliver crops to a modern, high-speed grain facility. Its rail siding capacity will provide new efficiencies to MFA Incorporated’s grain division as well as access to new markets.
The joint venture between MFA Incorporated and MFA Oil Company brings resources and expertise from both cooperatives and a significant investment in local communities. The facility will be operated by MFA Incorporated and is expected to bring five full-time jobs as well as seasonal part-time jobs to the region.
“This is a unique opportunity to aid local farmers by improving the transportation infrastructure in northwest Missouri,” said Mark Fenner, president and CEO of MFA Oil. “We’re always looking for ways to support our existing customers and attract new ones, and this joint venture with MFA Incorporated will help us do both.”
“The shuttle loader helps fulfill our mission,” said Ernie Verslues, president and CEO of MFA Incorporated. “MFA was formed more than 100 years ago to address lack of buying power and market access for farmers. We still take that mission seriously. This facility fits MFA’s vision to grow in strategic, profitable ways that enhance the economic wellbeing of our member/owners.”