MFA Oil Company Raises More Than $76,000 Through Its First Annual Charity Golf Tournament
June 25, 2015
Written By Adam Buckallew
Columbia, Missouri – MFA Oil Company, a farmer-owned cooperative based in Columbia, MO, today announced that it has raised more than $76,000 to support Operation Homefront. The money was raised through the company’s first Annual Charity Golf Scramble & Concert, which was held June 1 at The Club at Old Hawthorne in Columbia, MO.
Operation Homefront is a national nonprofit organization that has provided emergency and other financial assistance to thousands of military families and wounded warriors.
The tournament attracted 116 golfers and included prize money and awards for tournament winners. In addition to golf, participants were treated to dinner and a private concert featuring Grammy-nominated country music artist David Nail.
Warren Distribution was the event’s Concert Sponsor. Platinum Sponsors included CHS and Innospec; Gold Sponsors included DSI, the Mobile Supply Chain Company and Lockton Companies; Silver Sponsors included Commerce Bank, Growmark, Little Dixie Construction, McLane Company, National Cooperative Refinery Association, Pepsi, Smith Lewis LLP, Werts Welding and Williams Keepers. In addition to donations from golfers and sponsors, MFA Oil raised more than $37,000 from customers who purchased paper pin-ups from Break Time Convenience Stores and its mid-Missouri Jiffy Lube locations, as well as select MFA Oil bulk fuel and propane offices.
“We were overwhelmed by the response from our golfers, sponsors and customers,” says Mark Fenner, MFA Oil president and CEO. “Thanks to their generosity, MFA Oil exceeded its goal to help Operation Homefront bring hope to American heroes and their families who sacrifice so much.”
“The support by MFA Oil and its customers for our military families is tremendous,” said Tim Farrell, chief operating officer for Operation Homefront. “This donation is going to mean more stable and secure families for our men and women in uniform.”