Take Charge of Your Diesel Fuel
December 25, 2015
Written By Adam Buckallew
As diesel engines become more complex with each year’s new models, the need for high performance fuel grows. Stringent EPA emission requirements have forced engine manufacturers to design and utilize High Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) injection systems to achieve greater efficiency than conventional diesel engines. The typical HPCR injection system has constant pressure and temperature that exceeds 35,000 psi and 400°F, respectively. The high temperature and pressure these engines operate at can literally cook typical #2 diesel fuel, resulting in fouled fuel that can damage engine parts.
“It’s important to use a high-quality fuel that’s been optimized for performance in today’s high-tech engines,” says Don North, MFA Oil director of product development and lubricant sales. “Whether you rely on diesel fuel for agriculture, construction, trucking or simply getting around town, you need a fuel that can be used in any diesel engine and that prevents internal diesel injector deposits (IDID) that rob engines of horsepower, torque and fuel economy.”
Fortunately, MFA Oil offers BOSS Performance DieselTM, a premium fuel specifically designed and tested to run in all engines, including modern Tier III through final Tier IV engines.
“Modern diesel engines have internal injector components that run at such tight tolerances that even a small, thin deposit or film can cause sticking and interrupt fuel flow to the cylinder,” North says. “This results in a rough running engine, which causes diminished power and fuel economy. BOSS Performance Diesel contains stabilizers that inhibit formation of carbon particles, prolonging the life of the fuel filter and maintaining optimum power and fuel economy.”
Additionally, BOSS Performance Diesel can do what conventional detergents of the past cannot – offer an aggressive combination of detergents to clean up and prevent IDID deposits. The new detergents are highly efficient at deposit cleanup and keep-clean in pre-Tier engines through the latest Tier IV engines.
North says another advantage to running BOSS Performance Diesel is its performance in low temperatures.
“It’s formulated with a potent combination of wax modifiers, anti-wax settling agents and multiple-stage deicers, to prevent fuel gelling, filter plugging and icing,” North says. “Those components improve the fuel’s cold weather operability by as much as 20°F compared to typical untreated diesel fuel and reduce the need for blending with #1 diesel fuel in most cases.”
While there are many diesel fuel options available today, North says it would be hard to find a better option than BOSS Performance Diesel.
“We’ve got a premium fuel that offers the right combination of performance characteristics, excellent fuel efficiency and prolongs engine life to prevent downtime and maintenance costs,” North says. “Whether you’re putting in a rice crop in Missouri’s Bootheel, combining beans in the Heartland, picking cotton in Arkansas or operating a fleet of trucks – we have the fuel you need.”