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K-State Researchers Study Benefits, Risks of Carbon Credits
Kansas State University researchers have completed a study that looks at the potential value of carbon credits—and whether it’s an opportunity for farmers in Kansas to earn some extra income. “There are starting to be a few more concrete opportunities for producers to sign up for carbon credits, and especially […]
Increasing fruit, vegetable production can help double value of Missouri Ag
With lower initial investments and higher returns, fruit and vegetable production could play a big role in doubling the state’s agricultural economy by 2030, according to a study by University of Missouri researchers. “Compared to row crops, you don’t have to have as many acres of fruit and vegetables to […]
MU Research Looks at Technology to Kill Weeds
If it’s a weed, spray it. That’s the mindset that most in the agriculture industry held for years. That thinking no longer works as more weeds become resistant to herbicides, says Kevin Bradley, University of Missouri Extension weed scientist. Bradley uses waterhemp as an example. Waterhemp is one of 14 […]
Farmers Should Prioritize Health, Seek Help if Needed
Farmers know that well-maintained equipment is key to success. Yet they often do not listen to the “check engine” warning signs of stress, says Sean Brotherson, family science specialist for North Dakota State University. Brotherson was the keynote speaker at the recent University of Missouri Crop Management Conference. “Ag has […]
Discovery may help chickens muscle up
K-State Researchers Find Vitamin Compound that Boosts Growth A form of a vitamin associated with healthy aging in humans has been used by Kansas State University researchers to build muscle in chickens, a sign that could help the poultry industry meet future demand for its product. Muscle biologist and meat […]
Test for SCN, soybean’s silent killer
Data from MU researchers shows soybean cyst nematode (SCN) field populations are becoming more virulent on commercial soybean cultivars, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette. Testing fields for SCN is typically conducted once harvest is completed; however, spring is not too late to send soil samples for […]
‘Seed Destructor’ Technology Likely the Next Step in war on Weeds
For decades, the fight against weeds in Arkansas agriculture—barnyardgrass and Palmer amaranth, in particular—has been an ongoing war of attrition as weed populations gradually acquire resistance to one herbicidal chemistry after another. During this time, weed scientists and other experts with the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture have […]
Drought cuts pasture growth
In dry weather with short pastures, Missouri cow-herd owners face tough culling decisions. One way to match cows’ needs to available grass is to sell cows. Give careful thought to which grass eaters go first, says Eric Bailey, University of Missouri Extension beef nutritionist. Under drought stress, identifying those cows […]
No-Till, No Problem
Graves-Chapple Research Center Demonstrates Benefits of No-Till Systems Landowners across Missouri use numerous tillage systems, including plow, chisel, disk or strip-till. Tillage is the preparation of soil for growing crops using equipment to mechanically agitate and mix the soil. Eliminating tillage is also an option—simply called no-till. The University of […]
Feed Study Could Lead to More Efficient Cattle Breeds
A change is coming to the cattle seedstock industry. Breed associations have long been interested in finding the genetic basis for feed efficiency, with the aim of breeding more efficient animals. But the first step—accurately measuring how much cattle eat across different life stages and diet types—has been a missing […]
Research Propels Advances in Swine Industry
A Kansas State University swine scientist says advances in how pigs are raised have led to enormous improvements in pork production over the last 20 years. Mike Tokach, professor of animal science, says research has allowed the swine industry to safely increase litter sizes and growth rates of finishing pigs. […]
Fundamentals of Cover Crops
Recent environmental and ecological awareness has started a resurgence in cover crop use. Although cover crops have been used for centuries, today’s modern farmer has grown up in a generation which has replaced the use of cover crops with widespread use of fertilizers and herbicides. Now as some farmers are […]