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Delegate Profile
Dual Day Jobs
When it came to picking a profession, Joe Kleeman of Braymer couldn’t settle on just one. “I always had a love for veterinary medicine but also for farming in general — from livestock to row crops,” he says. “So, I did both.” A half-century ago, Joe hung out his shingle […]
Learning Along the Way
In October, MFA Oil delegate Mart Thaxton wrapped up his 42nd harvest on his farm in central Arkansas. Not bad for a guy who began his farming career without any agricultural experience. “I didn’t know what I wanted to do when I got out of school and jumped in without […]
All-in on Agriculture
Whether it’s running his 500-acre farm outside Alma, Mo., conducting business as a seedsman or volunteering his time in the service of various farmer-led organizations, agriculture is an ever-present aspect of David Lueck’s life. In late June, the Lafayette County farmer and MFA Oil delegate was busy cutting hay for […]
All in the Family Farm
It’s not uncommon for Jay Collins to put in 13-hour days on his diversified farm in Lentner, Mo. There’s so much to be done—raising row crops, running a cow/calf operation and managing contracted swine facilities—that it takes a full family effort to keep the operation going on a daily basis. […]