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The Service You Deserve
July 19, 2016
Written By Adam Buckallew
MFA Oil takes great pride in providing our farmer-owners and customers with the energy solutions needed to keep their operations growing. We know that meeting our customers’ needs goes beyond simply delivering fuel. The MFA Oil Service Division was established to ensure our customers receive the care they deserve.
In order to deliver the best service, we have dedicated service technicians located throughout our operations. These technicians are capable of servicing both propane and refined fuel systems, handling many of the interactions with customers, including tank sets and repairs, equipment maintenance, leak testing and repairs and much more.
In addition to having a team of professionals in place, MFA Oil is investing in the service division by purchasing necessary equipment. Besides a heavy-duty crane truck purchased this fall, we have recently added 18 new crane trucks and have 10 more on the way. These smaller trucks are used to install up to 3,000-gallon tanks. The heavy-duty crane truck, which has a 15-ton crane, allows us to install larger tanks (6,000 gallons or more) to accommodate the needs of bigger customers.
Our service technicians have been busy in the field with their new equipment. Since the beginning of September, we have set over 1,800 refined fuel and propane tanks. On top of setting all of those tanks, the team has completed more than 3,000 leak checks in the same time period.
Right-sizing customer tanks is another area of emphasis for the service department. Ensuring our customers have right-sized tanks helps them avoid outages during peak usage times such as planting and harvest and helps the company be more efficient with our deliveries. We’ve set up more than 200 right-sized fuel tanks for customers so far and the service teams is actively changing out additional tanks every day.
MFA Oil is dedicated to making decisions and investments that benefit both our customers and our company. The Service Division is a great example of this. Truly, we are “Stronger Together.”