Mid-South Farmers Embrace Irrigation
April 24, 2016
Written By Adam Buckallew
Irrigation in the Mid-South has become increasingly popular with farmers who are looking to produce more reliable harvests. The 2012 U.S. Census of Agriculture, the most recent data available, shows farmers in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee and Kentucky increased their irrigated acreage by 22 percent, 33 percent, 68 percent and 95 percent respectively since 1997. Collectively, those states irrigated more than 5.4 million acres of farmland in 2012.
Farmers across these traditionally water-rich areas of the Lower Mississippi River Valley are incorporating irrigation into their operations to manage risk against erratic weather and rainfall and to take advantage of advances in seed technology that have raised the bar on yield potential.
MFA Oil supplies many of its member-farmers with dependable, high-quality fuel to power their diesel- and propane-powered irrigation engines. Farmers considering adding irrigation to their operation can contact their local MFA Oil plant to discuss fueling options that would work best for their farm.