Mark Fenner Named Outstanding CEO Communicator
July 19, 2018
Written By Adam Buckallew
On June 5, Mark Fenner, president and CEO of MFA Oil, was awarded the Outstanding CEO Communicator award by the Cooperative Communicators Association (CCA) in Fort Worth, Texas.
Fenner was presented the award at the CCA annual institute. A panel of judges from the association reviewed each nominee and their commitment to effective communication as a part of their management style. Nominees for the award were also judged based on their support of communication within their cooperative and the standards set by past honorees.
Fenner’s monthly employee podcasts, regular meetings with employees from across the company, question-and-answer sessions, and down-to-earth communication style were all deciding factors in his selection for the award.
In addition to Fenner’s award, the MFA Oil Marketing Department also won first-place honors for Momentum Magazine in the member newsletter category and first place for its 2017 annual report.